Kirkwood High School 1976 Time Capsule
These items were collected and deposited in a time capsule at Kirkwood High School for the US Bicentennial in the spring of 1976 as part of a class project in Mr. Pete Nardie's Contemporary Issues Class. Principal of KHS was Don Duchek. He was a graduate of KHS prior to WW II and served in the Marines in WW II. He gave Mr. Nardie a job in 1974 partially because Mr. Nardie had also served in the Marines in the War in Vietnam. The collection is as eclectic and haphazard as a group of teenagers can be. The project was covered in the St.
Louis Post Dispatch by writer John Archibald a few days before the capsule was lowered into the ground. After Mr. Duchek retired he was replaced by Franklin McCallie. He retired and was replaced by David Holley. All of them have been made aware of the whereabouts of the time capsule which is just south of the principal's office in a bit of a garden. There is a bronze plaque above the capsule. The funds to buy the plaque were raised by the students named thereon by selling candy to fellow students. The capsule is in a burial vault donated
by a vault company. The vault is/was red, white and blue with stars on it. The capsule is approximately 3 feet wide, 7 feet long, two feet deep and buried about 8 feet down. Mr. Nardie's first born son, Gabriel Nardie, KHS 94, was born less than a month after the capsule was buried. His son, Mr. Nardie's grandson, Pablo William Nardie was born in Boston July 3rd, 2009. It is with high hopes from Mr. Nardie that Pablo will be invited to attend the opening of the capsule in 2076 . Mr. Nardie's other son, Joshua, KHS 96, was born in 1978. If he should have any children it is hoped that they too will be invited to the opening in 2076.
I love it that Pete had the foresight to include the names of his sons and grandson in this document, which I assume is held in the offices at KHS. Pete is VERY proud and happy to be a grandpa, so it's not really surprising that he thought to include young Pablo. You can see Pete in the Nipher Band photo, he did a lot of the identifying of students in the photo, check the website and further down on this blog. THANKS Pete for sharing! Herewith the list:
A Rawlings football; A St. Louis Cardinal's Baseball bat
A pair of girl's roller skates, white
1976 Mississippi River Festival Calendar of musical acts
A General Electric steam iron; A Khoury League baseball bat
Time Magazine, July 4th, 1776 commemorative issue
June, 1975 edition of the St. Louis Yellow Pages
1976 Ford Motors Buyer's Guide; A pack of Winston Filter Longs cigarettes
A soft pack of Kent Cigarettes; A soft pack of Marlboro Cigarettes
An imported Italian relaxer pipe; A St. Louis Cardinals batting helmet
Kirkwood HS lunch menu for the week of March 22-26, 1976
A wall lamp; A handbook on abortion; A bottle of Germaine Monteil
Colonial Bank book of matches; A can of diamond gloss automotive enamel paint
The Holy Bible, Gideon's version from a motel; Program from the play “Anything Goes”
TV Guide magazine from week of May 16-22, 1976; Savings account passbook # 019376-9
A Schick 3-speed razor; A bar of Camay soap; A Guidebook of US Coins, 1973- 26th ed
KHS Letter Awards for sophomore sports of baseball, basketball, football, soccer, track and field, wrestling, and tennis
Teacher's Edition, Text and Test Booklet for Rise of the American Nation, standard text for teaching American History; Gillette Lady's razor
KHS Principal's Bulletin
KHS Course Description booklet for school year 1976-77
1969 Southeast Missouri State College Yearbook (Mr. Nardie's school)
Preliminary drawings for the Time Capsule; Hill Behan Lumber Company buyer's guide
1976-77 Salary schedule for teachers; Pair of Levi Bell Bottom Jeans;
St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper issues for May 17-23, 1976
KHS Bicentennial Carnival poster;1975 Missouri hunting permit;Recruiter's card USN
Acid Rescue, phone card; Publicity poster US Dept. of Transportation
Invitation to the 1976 KHS Junior-Senior Prom; 1975 Missouri Fishing license
Magazine of the Hare Krishna movement; Six Flag Amusement Park parking ticket
DECA membership card (Distributive Education Club of America)
Receipt for tuxedo rental for the Jr. Sr. Prom; Free Car Wash or Wax coupon at Gas and Wash
Receipt from Sears Roebuck at Crestwood Plaza
4 Attendance slips for recording absences and tardies in KHS classrooms
A hair brush (Mr. Nardie said historical sites always have a hair brush)
A Bic lapel pin; A Bic key chain
A ticket to the 1975 Kirkwood-Webster Turkey Day Game
Two passes to Kirkwood Ice Rink on Geyer Road
Earn a free Whopper sandwich punch card from Burger King on Manchester
A Mo. Birth Certificate; 5 KHS ID Cards;A KHS excused absence slip
2 KHS grade cards; A 5 cent US stamp for 1st class mail
A pair of pierced earrings; Patchouli coke snuff
A wallet size calendar, 1976
A football helmet used by Mr. Nardie while playing freshman football in 1960 at Nipher Jr. High school on Kirkwood Road. (Includes face mask for wearing glasses)
A Planned Parenthood Sex Education pamphlet; 1975-76 Pioneer yearbook, The Pioneer
1975-76 issues of KHS newspaper, The Call; A coaster from Sambo's restaurant
A Whitbread beer coaster
The classroom flag from Mr. Nardie's classroom in the east building
A US Social Security card; A copy of George Orwell's 1984
A copy of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
A Spalding basketball from the KHS basketball team; An official KHS baseball
A KHS A Capella Choir 33 1/3 record from the choir in 1973-74
One bed pan made into a planter; A windshield scraper and brush for snow and ice
A JC Penney Fall/Winter catalog from 1975; December, 1975 White Pages telephone book
Oversize book, The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey
1 box Virginia Slims matches;1 pair of dice
1 copy of The Bill of Rights for Little Boys,
& a copy of The Bill of Rights for Little Girls by KHS history teacher Bill Diffley
Booklet, The Official Rules for Khoury League baseball
3rd Quarter Honor Roll spring '76 KHS;Baby & Child Care by Dr. Benjamin Spock
A silver souvenir spoon from St. Louis, MO; A package of Party Tyme Daiquiri mix
A conversion chart for metric system to conventional measures
A copy of The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
A pack of matches from Gravois Bank; Pioneer Power button from KHS athletics
A week's daily bulletins from KHS; A pack of matches from Colonial Bank
The Testament of Freedom printed by Color Art Company of Kirkwood, owned by former Kirkwood Mayor Bob Reim
A copy of The People's Almanac by Wallechinsky and Wallace
A General Electric toaster; A copy of Webster's 7th New World Dictionary
US Mint issued coins for the Bicentennial- Dollar ($1), Half dollar (50 cents), and Quarter Dollar (25 cents)
A group picture of the 4 members of rock and roll band The Beatles
Automobile license plate, April, 1976, Missouri
Flyer of coupons and ads for National Food Store on Kirkwood Rd.
May 20, 1976 issue of Rolling Stone magazine; Pack of playing cards
A copy of Playboy Magazine for Me; A copy of National Lampoon Magazine
A copy of Seventeen Magazine A crescent wrench
A week's issues of St. Louis Globe Democrat newspaper A pair of pliers
A screwdriver; A KHS button
Flags of the states of the Confederacy from the American Civil War
A copy of Pres. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
A passenger train ticket from the Missouri-Pacific Railroad
A set of tags removed from clothes; A Missouri Voters Handbook
An Eveready battery; A zipper; A scarf; Pitch-in Trash bags
A copy of The Babysitter Guide
A schedule for Amtrack passenger trains
A copy of Missouri Conservationist magazine, February, 1976
A copy of National Lampoon magazine from April, 1975
A copy of High Fidelity magazine, May 1976
A copy of U.S.News and World Report, Jan., 1976
A copy of Tennis magazine, April, 1976
A copy of Time magazine, April ?, 1976
A copy of Life magazine, June, 1976
A copy of Better Homes and Garden magazine, June, 1976
A Super Pro Frisbee; A hockey puck; A Six Flags Amusement Park button
A whistle; 1975 Missouri Tax forms; 1974 US tax forms
A train ticket from the miniature train ride at St. Louis Zoo
4 cans of Falstaff Bicentennial Beer (Mr. Nardie drank the other two out of the 6-Pak the night before!)
1 Olympia beer can; 2 old Coors beer cans
A letter to the class of 2076 from Senior Jessica Dowell
A picture of the St. Louis Arch also known as The Jefferson National Expansion Memorial,The Gateway to The West
A World war II ration can opener; A toy Volkswagen car
A copy of The Better Homes and Garden Cookbook
A term paper on medical malpractice; A copy of The Book of Mormon
A paper kite; A box of women's panty hose; A McDonald's ash tray
A McDonald's license plate; The 1975-76 KHS Buzzbook of phone numbers and addresses
2 copies of Newsweek magazine, January 12, 1976 and February 2, 1976
A Sears Roebuck catalog; We Land on The Moon coloring book
A Bicentennial flag; A 50 star United States Flag; A roll of Charmin toilet paper
Please don't squeeze the Charmin, says Mr. Whipple
A list of the top 63 records of 1975; A Missouri Drivers Guide handbook
2 Road maps of Missouri; A US road map/atlas; A St. Louis road map
Wizz Bee (?)
A pair of football shoulder pads worn by Mr. Nardie in 9th grade at Nipher Jr. High
An old pair of desert boots; A Confederate flag; black light bulb; A planter
A book about books (?)
A box (hard pack) of Winston filter cigarettes
A skateboard; A copy of The Guinness Book of World Records, 1971-72
A year's issue of Life magazine; A finger nail clipper; A boy's swimming suit
A list of endangered species of 1976; A number of poems; A book of Airplanes
A pair of glasses; A bumper sticker from the TV show Mary Hartman
A Bicentennial parade poster; A box of drugs (?);Crayons for coloring
A 45 rpm record;I Am Woman
A bottle of finger nail polish; A kit containing curlers, thread, buttons
A Flicker Lady's shaver; A hairbrush and comb for a baby
A handbook from Southwest Texas State College
A 1976 membership card from The St. Louis Press Club - courtesy of John Archibald who did the story on the capsule
A 1976 KHS Graduation Announcement; 7 KHS Misconduct reports
1 Missouri Uniform Traffic Ticket
1 box of God Bless America Festival Candy from the Reverend Moon's cult
A coupon for a gift of 1 dozen doughnuts from Dunkin Donuts
A bicentennial shopping bag from Jeans West store in West County Mall
A Boy Scouts of America Explorer Post membership card
A business card from Randy Bopp Motors; A Crime Blockers membership card
A National Safety Council Driver Improvement Program
A 1974 Missouri Combination Hunting and Fishing License; 1 Blue hair comb
1 Bicentennial can and bottle opener; 1 KHS bus pass; 1 Burger King Punch Card
2 McDonald's Gift Certificates; A business card from Gan Shell Gas station
2 KHS notice of failure slips; 1 KHS Unsatisfactory notice
1 sanitary hand wipe from Kentucky Fried Chicken; 1 KHS Locker combination tag
1 combination paint can opener and bottle opener; A Steak and Shake place mat
Assorted pamphlets on Venereal Disease, Tubal Ligation, Birth Control furnished by St. Louis County Health Department
A lifesize statue of NBA Basketball star Wilt Chamberlain used as a display at B. Dalton Bookseller to advertise his biography
The sign that warned students and faculty to not come to close to the hole being dug for the time capsule
A tape recording of all students and Mr. Nardie saying what they wanted to say for posterity along with a tape recorder to play the recording.
Also, as the capsule was being lowered into the ground many KHS students tossed a variety of items into the hole ahead of the capsule (they would be underneath the capsule, Included were roach clips, prophylactics, marjuana, ID cards etc.
It has occurred to me that it would be fun to wonder what OUR class would have put in that vault! Anyone wanting to make suggestions please comment! But we'll have to use our 1965 high school mentality! Can we remember that well that far back??
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